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“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty” - Winston Churchill
2020 has plunged the entire world into an unprecedented crisis. A microscopic virus has brought the entire human race to its knees.

In the bleakness of the lockdown, I see the virus rewriting our imagination. Side by side with dearth we are seeing an abundance of charity. There is a sudden awareness of sanitation and hygienic living, love and compassion is ousting hostility and greed. Our planet is healing. We are entering a new era – an era of hope, harmony and humanity laced with the silver lining of technology and innovation in health care, in business and most importantly in Education.
In these trying times, when all educational institutions are shut down for an indefinite period, it is technology which has come to our rescue in revolutionising education altogether. Remote learning or digital education has become the new normal.
Rajhans Vidyalaya has also started with Digital education to fill in the void for classroom education while minimizing the chances of any infection to students until classes resume. Our teachers have risen to the occasion and prepared themselves to provide seamless education to the “home-stuck-students”. Suddenly for our teachers, laptops, touchscreen paper corrections, digital books and smart boards have become the new reality.
However, digital learning is not without its limitations and challenges, since face-to-face interaction is usually perceived as the best form of communication as compared to the rather impersonal nature of e-learning. E-learning cannot always ensure the ideal atmosphere for studying. Students might tend to get distracted by gaming consoles and social media. Also, digital education cannot be equally effective at every level of education. Another glaring disadvantage is conducting examinations online which right now appear to be quite an onerous task. Finally, it is not only just the question of imparting continuous and uninterrupted learning during the lockdown but also the most important challenge for the instructor is to focus on the holistic growth of a child which is the prime motto of education.
A major paradigm shift in teaching and learning has already set in by embracing the trend of “learning anywhere anytime”. These challenges will lead to further innovation as Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google has said “The progress of one generation becomes the foundational premise for the next.” In a fast-changing world, driven by technological innovations, the way children learn today and the way they will work tomorrow are redefining the contours of teaching and learning everywhere. Let us accept the challenge and use this present adversity as a blessing in disguise and make digital education a major part of the learning process for all learners in the future.