The Roots & Shoots Workshop held on 18 November 2024 from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM was attended by Ms. Anuradha Sarandkar and Ms. Mamta Goyal. The workshop was organized by the Jane Goodall Institute, India, which strives to foster a culture of coexistence among all species, including humans, animals, and the environment. The initiative was founded by Dr. Jane Goodall with the vision of using human power to protect all forms of life by recognizing their intrinsic value.
The Roots & Shoots program is a global movement aimed at uniting youth from diverse backgrounds with a shared purpose: the betterment of the environment. This program encourages young people to form groups, identify areas within their communities that need attention, and take proactive steps to make a positive difference.
The core vision of Roots & Shoots is to create a global community of young individuals who are dedicated to compassionate decision-making, empowered to lead, and capable of influencing change in their local communities. The goal is to create a better world for people, animals, and the environment through collective action.
The program emphasizes the power of unity with the motto:
"Together we can, Together we will, Together we must, Save the world."